Quest 48 - Why Did Jesus Die?

Why did Jesus die?

That question was at the top of this week's reading in Quest. As I read it, I felt as though my heart was pierced and being torn to shreds. The weight of the answer to that question alone defines everything that I believe and why I do what I do. 

I proceeded to read and I had to stop for a moment after this section of text by Mark Moore:

“They used a flagellum. The technology is simple. Take a stick about eighteen inches long. Secure to it multiple leather strands, each embedded with sharp objects such as glass, metal, or knucklebones of sheep. The victim is stripped naked and tied to a pillar. A soldier on either side slaps the strands against the flesh, then pulls down sharply, raking the victim’s back, buttocks, and legs. The strands also wrap around the victim, lacerating the quads, abs, and chest and often gouging out the eyes. Six out of ten men died from flogging alone, sometimes because of loss of blood, sometimes because of their bowels falling from the gaping wounds in their torsos.”

Brutal. Heart wrenching. Gut punching. Those are the only words I can use to describe that text. 

That wasn’t the only section of text that impacted me though. This whole section paired with Matthew 27 is an awakening of the soul kind of text. 

Why did Jesus die? 

Because he loves us so much that he was willing to pay the price for our sins. . Pure love that couldn’t be defeated by any amount of pain. That’s why the fact that he ded of a broken heart is such a painful, beautiful tie in. When you begin to realize this about Christ, it causes you to take a step back and evaluate your belief. 

If you have never had the understanding of what Christ has done for you, I do want you to know this. 

You matter to Jesus. 

He wants to be with you. 

He wants you to use the gifts that he has given you. 

He wants to transform your life. 

He wants you to know what a life following him is like.

He wants you to know that you matter. 

When I had that realization - I was in the 6th grade. It was a transformative experience and has subsequently changed my life. 

If you are ready to acknowledge that, let me share with you your next 3 steps. 

This is pulled straight from our kids baptism packet :

Acknowledge - Luke 23:40 Acknowledge that Jesus is God - we have to understand who He is and why He matters. That’s what the thief did - “Don’t you fear God?” By looking at Jesus he acknowledged who He was.

Admit - Luke 23:41 Admit that we are sinners. The criminal recognized that what he did was wrong and he deserved death because of it. We are all sinners and deserve punishment because of that. We have to be willing to admit that we have done wrong and show remorse. If we don’t, then nothing has changed in our lives.

Ask - Luke 23:42 Ask Jesus to save you. The criminal in his worst moment looked at Jesus and asked Him to remember him. He saw who Jesus was and what He has doing. He knew that He could save him. The same thing happens with us and Jesus. We need to ask him to save us!

Today can be a day that changes your eternity. Don’t miss out on that opportunity. I know it can be scary and it can feel like you are overhauling your entire life, but on the other side of this decision is the love and the belonging that you have been looking for. 

Additionally - if you have already made this decision with your faith… Today is a great opportunity to reflect on how Jesus died for you and changed your life. This may be the perfect signal that you should go share that knowledge with someone else. 

To recap:

Why did Jesus die?

Because we matter to him. It’s that simple.


Sermon - If the Bible is True, then why don’t I trust it?


Museum Rankings - D.C Version